Submitted by schrodingerzdawg t3_10on1t6 in personalfinance

I have a charged off account from several years ago. I'm not sure exactly how old, but I know it's more than 7 years because the letters I'm getting from the original creditor say I can't legally be sued for it. I think it got sold to collection agencies for a time, then back to the original creditor.

I checked my credit report to see when this account would fall off, but it says it was only closed 4 years ago, and my last payment was 5 years ago. I know for certain my last payment was much longer than 5 years ago. The last payment was probably at least 7-8 years ago, if not more.

What are my options with this account now? Should I dispute the date of last payment? I am currently able to pay it in full if that would be worthwhile for my credit, but I've read conflicting opinions on whether that's worth doing.

Thanks for your help! I've finally gotten a decent job so I'm trying to get my financial house in order, and a buddy recommended this sub as the place to start.



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ahj3939 t1_j6fmnom wrote

Did you pull your official credit reports from

Credit monitoring sites don't show full details.


schrodingerzdawg OP t1_j6fnlzz wrote

I just went ahead and did that. It's still showing payments for years when I was not making payments.


ChiMello t1_j6fuhyi wrote

File a dispute based on inaccurate date. )If you can find old letters or statements to back up that you can upload them and your odds of winning will be much higher). Some shady debt collectors engage in redating of old debts to pressure people to pay them. Some even file lawsuits past the SOL and just hope the debtor doesn't show up so they get a default judgment despite being past the SOL.


schrodingerzdawg OP t1_j6k7wvd wrote

Will filing a dispute reset any statue of limitations type thing and open me up to being sued again? I assume not, but I've read you have to be careful about how you interact with old debts.

Working on finding any old documentation. It's tough because the bank I used to pay this card doesn't even exist anymore, and I don't think I have any hard copies. I was young and dumb when I did this.


ahj3939 t1_j6iekym wrote

What does it show for date of first delinquency?


schrodingerzdawg OP t1_j6k7oyz wrote

I'm not seeing that data point on my Transunion report.

I couldn't pull my other one, I think I might have locked it during the experian leak? I'm going to see what I can do about that.


ahj3939 t1_j6k9opi wrote

On Tranuinion it will show "Estimated month and year that this item will be removed"

DOFD will be that date minus 7 years.


schrodingerzdawg OP t1_j6kb3ui wrote

So by that number it's saying DOFD was 2018 which is hugely inaccurate. It was at least 3 years earlier, if not more.

It does seem like this debt was maybe sold to a debt collector, then sold back to the original creditor? I think I used to get letters from debt collectors, and now I get letters from the original creditor again.