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yes_its_him t1_j6msou4 wrote

It doesn't really work like that. If people could reliably flip money into more money in a week, nobody would work.

You can gamble the money (e.g. speculative investments) but then you are more likely to lose it than to increase it.

If you loan it to someone, you'd make hardly any interest and run the risk they don't pay you back.

If you were industrious, you could turn the $290 into equipment that would let you better charge for your services, or advertising to raise awareness, but then you also invest the time.


twotall88 t1_j6mvjle wrote

>It doesn't really work like that. If people could reliably flip money into more money in a week, nobody would work.

Let me introduce you to the world of "resellers" where people spend money for things, usually used, and resell them for profit :P