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SereneFrost72 OP t1_j6l3ij5 wrote

I'm definitely taking some of the advice here with a grain of salt. Communication and cooperation all around seem like the logical path me, so I'm not just going to refuse to speak to an involved party. Thanks for the input!


JaxGamecock t1_j6l4c33 wrote

That would be the best path IMO. If they end up not affording coverage it's note due to your actions or even those of the other insurance company, you just had bad luck and got hit by a shitty dude that didn't have his things in order. If that is the case I would go to your own insurance company and see about filing with your collision coverage. If you have that coverage you will have to pay a deductible (usually $500 is the standard) but all the repairs over that deductible amount will be covered by your company. There is even a chance you could have a coverage known as Uninsured Motorist Property Damage or UMPD which would allow you to get your car fixed for free without a deductible if the other company ends up not affording coverage to their driver. However, UMPD is not standard and the majority of people don't carry that coverage, I couldn't tell you if you do or not


SaturdayRegrets t1_j6mivbl wrote

Listen to that person OP, it sounds like they work in the industry as well as myself. It's unlikely most if not all the others do. Insurance advice on this sub is VERY hit and miss. I've seen some really really bad advice in here. You would be better served at /r/insurance.