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BouncyEgg t1_j6mmeff wrote

Do you like green or blue?


Flashy-Read-9417 t1_j6mo6fv wrote

Well if they like red, there's always Vanguard. I do like Schwabs UI better but you really can't go wrong with those three.

My reasoning: Employer simple ira is through schwab amd I like having one account for everything. So my Roth, HSA, and individual brokerage are all through schwab. I have had a brokerage account through Vanguard as well.


bco268 t1_j6ntouk wrote

> I do like Schwabs UI better but you really can't go wrong with those three.

Schwab has ruined their position view with a new version and now it looks all cluttered and crap. I'm actually looking to move my accounts elsewhere.