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BlurryJen OP t1_j6ojq3a wrote

I wish I would have thought more about my purchase, at first I was supposed to go to a Toyota dealership but apparently one of my family members knew someone at the Nissan dealership. So I thought I was going to get a good deal on a vehicle and hopefully not get gypped. At the time I didn't know what negative equity was or the issue with these cars.


Liquidretro t1_j6oko54 wrote

So what's the make and model?

That's all in the past, learn from it for the future.


BlurryJen OP t1_j6ol645 wrote

2017 nissan altima sv


Liquidretro t1_j6om71s wrote

Ya not something you want to keep long term. Ideally it breaks just before your warranty expires and buys you more time. I just hate to see you go further into debt just in case.