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CrazySteeeveee t1_j6ny9km wrote

If you clear, the price of the car, every month. I dont see the need to pull from 401k. Save for a month or 2. Pulling from 401k has a bunch of steps and conditions. Pulling from your savings doesn't, especially when you can replace within 2 months


MachoGarage t1_j6nyny5 wrote

I should have clarified its a private party sale of a very in demand "classic" 90s vehicle which should not last more than a couple weeks for sale, which is why I can't rely on saving a few months


DarmokTheNinja t1_j6nyyqj wrote

How do you not have $15k in an emergency fund? Hell, I have that available and I make a small fraction of what you do.


MachoGarage t1_j6nz8qd wrote

I would not pull from my emergency fund for what's ultimately a toy. Should I have the same view of my 401k?


DarmokTheNinja t1_j6o39er wrote

You refresh the emergency fund in like two months. This should be easy math.