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DonQOnIce t1_j9ggiqf wrote

What will incentivize anyone to make public transit and biking infrastructure better if parking is convenient and cheap?


William_d7 t1_j9i5f9l wrote

What will incentivize a person, their spouse, two kids, and their A-Ma to bike or take public transit to Chinatown to have lunch and then bring home groceries? Nothing.

That’s the clientele Chinatown is losing to places with better parking situations and when business owners say as much, their concerns are disbelieved or shrugged off.


DonQOnIce t1_j9jfoda wrote

I think they’re fine for now since Chinatown still has tons of parking.

But I think they should also consider how cheap parking in lots, especially surface lots, is a waste of valuable space and runs up local rents and the cost of doing business in general, since space is a finite resource.