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DoGreat_DieGood t1_ja8uspr wrote

Hijacking your comment to ask additional questions: What's the minimum amount of plants needed to make a bedroom feel amazing? Five? 10? What plant stands, etc would you get for a small rental space?


sjo232 t1_ja9ha01 wrote

> minimum amount of plants needed

if you can see the walls/floors through the plants, you need more plants

> What plant stands, etc would you get

Lowes has some decent cheap plant stands. They're not fantastic quality, but they do the job


DoGreat_DieGood t1_ja9yb5u wrote

Lol thanks so much for your tips! The plan is to make the room feel like a jungle. Looks like I'm going on a home improvement adventure this weekend.


sjo232 t1_jaa1y64 wrote

Hell yea, can’t wait to hear how it turns out