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ashhole613 t1_ja9w6sl wrote

Not the person you're replying to, but when is the best time to look for rental units if I'm targeting July for a move? I've been looking casually but most units seem to be for immediate occupancy and anything further out is substantially more expensive (???)


decentchinesefood t1_ja9wyto wrote

It's a common misconception that you need to look for rental units 3+ months out. No units will be listed yet - no one's given their notice.

There are two best times to look: 60 days out, then again at 30 days out (definitely keep scouting in between).

The landlord for your future place hasn't even been told it's going to be vacant yet. They won't until May, if not June. While I understand preparedness, you're just far too early.

Hope that helps.


ashhole613 t1_ja9xqno wrote

Thanks. We're currently in Boston and if you don't have a lease locked down by March for September 1 move in, you're up shit creek over here. Lol. Does there tend to be a lot of competition for rentals in the $3k-$4k range?


decentchinesefood t1_ja9zj7m wrote

Nah. $3-4K is quite high end in terms of Philly rental budget, with a much smaller pool of competition.