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hdhcnsnd OP t1_j7h5vn2 wrote

Can we have bollards on the SRT along Kelly Drive now?


Fattom23 t1_j7h8kvr wrote

The answer is no. We cannot do things that might inconvenience drivers.


hdhcnsnd OP t1_j7hc0q3 wrote

True, if we put up bollards cars wouldn’t be able to access the sidewalk-road or the grass-road or, god forbid, the bike-lane-road.


solipsisticsundays t1_j7i7rw4 wrote

Where the grass meets asphalt tbh. Too many people drive their cars all over there in the Spring and Summer.


ConfiaEnElProceso t1_j7hcl90 wrote

That is one of the safer sections of trail as there is a wide grassy buffer between the SRT and the drag-strip that is Kelly drive. Other sections are right next to the road and completely exposed.


Darius_Banner t1_j7kq843 wrote

Yes! I can’t believe how many idiots drive their cars into the grass to have a picnic (a very trashy picnic I should add)