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Danish1928 t1_j9zft25 wrote

Get a solid 1Gig up and down and never have any outages for 60 a month. Comcast is trash


sailbag36 t1_j9zkzgl wrote

I pay $39.99 for 1 gig. It was a promotion and they haven’t ever ended for some reason.


Wuz314159 t1_j9zhxbj wrote

I pay $123 a month for 3.0mbps.


JeffWingrsDumbGayDad t1_j9zqk1i wrote

Stop that.


Wuz314159 t1_ja0487x wrote

and go without internet? As if I had any other options.


defmain t1_ja35t7x wrote

Is their 5G Home Internet available at your address? They don't care about their copper lines anymore.