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kingintheyunk t1_j9h3yhf wrote

My dog was attacked by a pit bull at a dog park in Philly. The owner of the 90 pound pit had just gotten it from paws 2 weeks prior. I had to fight the pit myself to get it off my dog. Was terrifying. Took my dog months and thousands in vet bills but thank god she recovered.

Feel bad for all involved in this story.


thereisnodevil666 t1_j9h5reb wrote

Ignorance is the problem. It seems unwise to bring any fresh rescue to a dog park like that. Especially a pitt or other large dog.


kingintheyunk t1_j9h8kfs wrote

I agree. The problem isn’t dogs, it’s dog owners. I saw the pit who attacked my dog around my neighborhood for a few months after. Have not seen it in years since. I assume the dog was returned to paws.


afdc92 t1_j9h8k1j wrote

I’ve had to get a loose pit off my family dog. I was kicking it as hard as I could and luckily had mace with me which worked. My dog was thankfully not hurt but it was terrifying.


Daisy_Steiner_ t1_j9hebys wrote

Same exact thing happened to me except I ended up in Hahnemann for a long weekend and almost lost my thumb in the process.