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Electronic_Chard_270 t1_j9tek0n wrote

Did you read the actual article or are you just spewing vitriol because you hate Krasner? The family very clearly likes the ADA assigned to the case. But don’t let that cloud your partisan opinion


SaltPepperKetchup215 t1_j9tibus wrote

Partisan? If thinking victims and their families deserve better and having contempt for the DAs office here makes me a Republican than I better update my voted ID card and see if I have an old red hat laying around.

The families bar is set far too low then.

They deserve better.

Article says the bail is “often done without DAs office being notified”

That’s fine, but an experienced and or more involved Ada might be more on top of things to know right away or very shortly after and thus inform their victims family

Krasners quote that the Commonwealth plans to address it at Mondays hearing.

TGIF baby, we’ll get to it after the weekend
