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AdministrationNo9238 t1_j8ugas2 wrote

I think a lot of the people complaining about the small size of this don’t live in the neighborhood.

Not because NIMBY, but because this is a huge building for the area. I doubt there’s a single 10 story building anywhere west of this. And I can’t think of anything near This size for about 6 blocks east, and that’s all student housing.

Which this decidedly is not.


Chimpskibot t1_j8uinrn wrote

Garden Court is west of this by one or two blocks and is 12 stories and PHA towers at 44th street are 2 blocks away and are 18 stories.


AdministrationNo9238 t1_j8uiwgr wrote

Well sheet. Like usual, I’m wrong.

Still, it’s big for the area.

18 stories and multiple 7 story building. Thats a lot of house.

I thought the PHA houses were getting torn down.


Chimpskibot t1_j8ukjim wrote

Its only Big because of Zoning Overlays and lack of investment in West. Garden Court is also getting a 7 story addition above its garage. The PHA towers will be redeveloped and rented as mixed-income project as they should be.


ForkBombGoBoom t1_j8wawu2 wrote

Your point?

The area on that side of market is largely undeveloped. The area to the south and a few blocks north is like 98% townhouses.

It's also right next to the El, and frankly that's a terrible place to live due to the noise. Market itself is sketchy around there and west. We should be happy there's a developer dumb enough to think people will pay for luxury apartments out there.


AdministrationNo9238 t1_j90tp0p wrote

I don’t understand why people are complaining about its size due to all the factors you mention.

If it was center city, sure. But, all the factors you mention.