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jamin_g t1_j8yzjk2 wrote

Isn't that called the police commissioner?


CB_700_SC t1_j93pken wrote

No, Assistant To The Regional Police Commissioner.


cray0508 t1_j8yleyy wrote

Or, and hear me out, we get our existing police force to perform at even 30% so we don't need to create another do-nothing high paying position?


uptown_gargoyle t1_j8ymb33 wrote

how about if we give the new chief public safety officer 4k cameras


DeltaNerd t1_j94n32b wrote

Here is a crazy idea, we get all the desk cops to go on patrol around the city and subways.


Gabagoo44 t1_j8ymsin wrote

Another high paying grifter.


Ragoz t1_j8ypbm9 wrote

These are all duties of the Mayor. Have that job do something.


kdeltar t1_j91z856 wrote

Maybe if we could get more than 30% of people to vote in the primary lol


Asleep_Operation4116 t1_j94q4x9 wrote

Watching the news about the Temple Police killing tonight, the absence of the Mayor was glaring. What a useless sack of phlegm!


moderately_random t1_j8ysd0j wrote

I love adding more red tape to the issue. What’s needed is the cops to actually do their damn jobs and the DA’s office to actually prosecute and keep the criminals in…wait for it… BEHIND BARS. Most criminals are not these sob stories, progressives would have you believe.


RetroRN t1_j8z3s8e wrote

> Most criminals are not these sob stories, progressives would have you believe.

It goes both ways. Most cops are not the heroes republicans would have you believe.


moderately_random t1_j8z3zsu wrote

They most certainly are not. But the ones in Philly could at least start by arresting and stopping the actual criminals.


whatisevenleft t1_j8znze8 wrote

Maybe instead of that, the police start policing. They already have a giant budget so they can use the money they have.


Ams12345678 t1_j8yo9t5 wrote

Unfortunately people will vote yes.


SBRH33 t1_j91pec8 wrote

Another grifty, wasteful "high level" position that wont do jack squat but enrich some connected cronie. Hard pass.


redeyeblink OP t1_j8ykps2 wrote

>Legislation introduced Thursday by City Council President Darrell L. Clarke would create a chief public safety director who would manage the budget, operations, and development of the city’s public safety response among a handful of agencies and departments, both inside and outside law enforcement.
>The director would be among the top four administrative positions in city government, alongside the mayor, managing director, and finance director.
>The new role requires a change to the city’s Home Rule Charter, so voters would need to approve its creation through a ballot question. If legislation is approved by City Council, the question could appear on the primary election ballot May 16. A spokesperson for Mayor Jim Kenney said his office would review the legislation.
... >
>A handful of other cities, including Chicago and Columbus, Ohio, have similar director-level positions in city government that oversee the public safety response. In Newark, N.J., the director of public safety position was created in 2016 and oversees the Police Department, the Fire Department, and the Office of Emergency Management.
>Philadelphia already employs a senior director of the Office of Criminal Justice and Public Safety to coordinate the city’s public-safety response. That position is currently held by Erica Atwood, who reports to the managing director.
>Clarke, who said he discussed the plan with Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw, said it was not intended to be a criticism of Atwood or Managing Director Tumar Alexander.


IvanStarokapustin t1_j9275xc wrote

They should consider a commission to manage the police. Headed by, by a commissioner of some sort. One could call it a Police Commissioner. Yes, a Police Commissioner of Philadelphia. We might need one of those.


Ng3me t1_j928b9k wrote

Let me know when they create a position to do all the shit they mayor should be doing.


wyueprouqi t1_j932r87 wrote

I'd like a ridiculous title and to be overpaid for doing nothing! Maybe I should apply. I don't have any qualifications but it doesn't matter since nothing will change anyway and it's a job designed to line someone's pockets.