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xphizio t1_jai9v9l wrote

Careful, I've presented this evidence before in this sub and was promptly ignored or downvoted. Every time I hear "poLicE dOnT dO tHeIR joBs" I never see this notion backed by any evidence whatsoever but rather the contrary.


palerthanrice t1_jajjagt wrote

This is pretty damning, especially considering how easy these illegal gun possession cases are.

Most of them are just felons with any type of gun, legal or not. There's no detective work or anything required.


Scumandvillany t1_jahnq2b wrote

I mean, this is another common refrain from the blue lives matter crowd. Sure OK, fine so convictions for illegal gun possession are down and arrests are up. are all those arrests legitimate ?was there enough evidence to support those arrests? We don't exactly know do we? And even given if every one of those arrests should have been a conviction-fine, Krasner's office is incompetent. This is not in question by me-what is in question is the police's incompetency with regard to solving violent crime, including murders and shootings most importantly. So maybe instead of deflecting with data on gun arrests, focus on why and how the police should be solving more violent crimes.


nnn62 t1_jahrfy2 wrote

Stating data on gun arrests isn’t a deflection. I’d imagine there is some correlation between convictions for illegal gun possession charges and homicide rate. Admittedly, this is speculation on my part but I feel it’s just a logical explanation. I’m open to data proving I’m wrong. Anyways, In the instance what I said is accurate, a higher conviction rate would lead police to concentrate more resources to investigate less violent crime and hopefully improve upon arrests percentages.


[deleted] t1_jai4clm wrote



Scumandvillany t1_jai613a wrote

The distinction is it is harder to prove, and the DA is requiring more evidence to go to trial on, a case that involves "constructive possession". A gun must be found on a person, or else possession is "constructive", and that has kinda been my issue with Krasner regarding these charges. It def seems he is less willing to try to prosecute a constructive possession case vs otherwise, and I think that's where the problem is.
