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TheTwoOneFive t1_jd5f6lq wrote

It took a full street sweeping season before they would allow PPA to ticket cars. We are about to start the 2nd season after the expansion to 14 areas and they have announced it will be another season and a half away before the next expansion in July 2024. At that point, they will add 6 more areas.

Based on average size of the areas, in July 2024, five years after they started the "pilot programs", the city will cover about 8% of the city surface area with street sweeping zones, and that does not include the smaller streets. For example, in the Point Breeze Map area, the city is missing tons of smaller side streets that are wide enough for a sweeper, but requires cars to be moved to do so (e.g. Fernon, Chadwick, Mole, Hicks, etc). Additionally, there are streets that a sweeper can get down even if someone is still parked there, like Montrose or Oakford, but are not getting swept currently.

There is ZERO reason it should take this long to roll out street sweeping to such a small area, without even a public timeline on a full rollout.

Source 1 (Timeline), Source 2 (Point Breeze Map - PDF)