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omgahya t1_jb5cjwa wrote

Not really wasting time, you will definitely save yourself(or the property owner) a citation. If you remember the vehicle/plate, definitely report that also.

My cousin got a citation because some idiot dragged a bag of dirt/gravel and left it in front of her house. Instead of following the dirt trail around the corner to the house that was being demo’ed, City employee just decided it’s easier to ticket her instead.


DlnnerTable OP t1_jb5imbx wrote

Damn that sucks for your cousin. I hope he fought it and got it all figured out. Do you still think it’s worth reporting if it’s on public/city property? Just yesterday around Gerard and 40th I saw somebody open their car door and kick out half a trash can worth of garbage right into the middle of the road. I was stunned lol