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t1_jebaw4o wrote

Being a deadbeat (to take your stance for granted) isn’t a capital offense. Even if the shooting turns out to be justified, it won’t be because the woman wasn’t paying rent.


t1_jebbdo5 wrote

Where the hell am I saying it’s ok to kill people for not paying rent?

All I’m saying is that now people who don’t pay rent are suddenly victims, even without being shot. People who are fully capable of working and paying bills ducking them because of whatever reason, are victims because “landlord bad.” Why is this a thing? Too many people want free shit.


t1_jebdiaw wrote

I just think you're not understanding how completely our social systems fail people in poverty.

We know that people are sometimes unable to make ends meet and instead of investing in a social safety net, we address the issue with armed agents and criminalizing being poor.

This article gives an overview of how not having resources is a brutal cycle of hopelessness in many areas of society.


t1_jebk2yn wrote

Don’t rent houses you can’t afford


t1_jebp8t6 wrote

I know that, because I have had access to quality education and financial advice. Not everyone has those privileges.

This is a douchy response.