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gut46 OP t1_jegrmt6 wrote

I applied for one and it was Denied.”Your work description exceeds the work permitted under the EZ Masonry Façade permit. Please withdraw this permit and apply for the Residential Building permit and change the review type to Standard Review and submit plans for the work proposed. For more information or FAQs visit or call 311 for assistance. “


archguy20 t1_jegvcva wrote

Call this architect, I highly recommend them for a project like this. The city is looking for a drawing (however simple) of the work that is being performed. The architect will make that drawing and submit the correct permit app to the city on your behalf, as well as connect you a qualified contractor that has experience performing this work.

It will be worth it knowing that the work is properly documented and permitted. Having the architect's stamped drawings and approved permit gives you protection is issues arise during or after the project is complete.

As others have mentioned, if a contractor performs this work w/o permit and something happens his or your insurance may not protect you.


gut46 OP t1_jegxanz wrote

That sounds expensive


archguy20 t1_jegy4c4 wrote

How much is the whole job going to cost? 10k, 30k? If you don’t have a permit, you are completely unprotected from any liability. If someone falls off a scaffold and dies you are getting sued. If your facade fails within 6 months of work being completed and you have water infiltration you are going to have a harder time recovering money. IMO you can’t afford to not do it the correct way. A call and estimate from an architect is free. Just see how much they want and what they recommend. They are going to adjust their fee accordingly, you will not be spanked for a job this small.