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__init__RedditUser t1_jeeo9uh wrote

Is the Inquirer worth the subscription?


inthegarden5 t1_jeesnlu wrote

It's struggling like all papers because of the loss of advertising and other income and certainly not what it was in the past. But imagine the city without a newspaper. Who'll investigate and report on city council and the mayor, and everything else in the city. Blogs and such don't make up for professionals who have the time to investigate complicated issues or follow up over time.


MeasurementPlus5570 t1_jeewbn6 wrote

Honestly, I think the Inquirer is a pretty great paper. Their occasional investigative pieces and Spotlight PA articles are very impressive. I wouldn't give up the Economist for it, but I'd cancel my Washington Post subscription before I gave up the Inquirer, and already quit NYT and Bloomberg.


BurnedWitch88 t1_jefpikx wrote

No. We held on for a long time but the reporting on many issues is sketchy at best. I was tangentially involved in a news story they covered extensively and they truly just ignored a huge relevant portion -- despite having the information. They definitely put a spin on some stories. I actually tend to agree with their biases in most cases, but I want objectivity from my news, not to be told the progressive party line.


JBizznass t1_jef410u wrote

No. They are garbage news. Use one of the work arounds to access the articles and give your money to better news sources.


pretzel_enjoyer t1_jeff8pu wrote

what are the better news sources


JBizznass t1_jegryou wrote

For fact base news any of the local major network affiliates. For op ed and investigative reporting I would say WHYY. Some of the more topic specific sources like Philadelphia Business journal are also good.