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oliver_babish t1_jbkyr8o wrote

Our prior Convention Center, the Civic Center, occupied land that's now all CHOP/HUP property.

We need a large convention center because that's what fills our hotels and restaurants. And unlike other amenities (perhaps), it's one which really does need to be in Center City because that's where all the hotels and restaurants are.

Also, many of its events are not public-facing; it's trade groups and business associations. So, like, thousands of nurses or trial lawyers coming to town. It's a big deal.


mountjo t1_jbl1hf0 wrote

yeah, everyone in here saying it's not needed has no idea how many visitors that thing brings in


PirelliSuperHard t1_jc7ub25 wrote

Take a walk around there any day after 4pm and you will see dozens of lost-looking people with lanyards.


BlackWidowLooks t1_jbl9ziw wrote

Anyone who's been to RTM regularly in the middle of the day knows that place stays packed with trade shows. Honestly, if the only things it's doing is keeping those food stalls profitable, I have no qualms with it.


[deleted] t1_jblddvp wrote

Came here to say this. It’s so clear when they let out for lunch break and hundreds of conference attendees walk over with their name badges.


RexxAppeal t1_jblfafc wrote

It's a shame Penn was allowed to knock down the Civic center. It was a gorgeous building with a ton of history, and could have been modernized for restored hockey programs and an excellent concert venue.


oliver_babish t1_jblgcw3 wrote

On that, I have to disagree. Gorgeous building, hell yes, but the City needed a larger, modern Convention Center and CHOP/HUP needed the land to expand. Lord knows their success has been a boon to the region.


k2j2 t1_jblwhnf wrote

I took my nursing boards there and used to park for work there. Incredible how it’s all grown and changed in 3 decades!