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Vague_Disclosure t1_je9pqjn wrote

Other day I walked past my car and someone had parked their POS not only touching mine but physically pushing my bumper in. On what fucking planet is that acceptable. I get that theres going to be a bit of contact every once in a while in tight spaces but that's just next level selfish behavior


BasileusLeoIII t1_je9u4as wrote

so crazy that all 4 of his tires happened to have nails in the sidewalls, wild coincidence


Vague_Disclosure t1_je9wcz2 wrote

I must admit I was VERY tempted to key it, a few years ago the much more hot headed version of myself would have


BasileusLeoIII t1_je9witg wrote

I'd never have the balls, I'm far too law-abiding, but man does this kind of thing make me wanna