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lonetravellr t1_jborh1j wrote

It's almost as if they could have fixed this before rushing kids back into schools in person


Lunamothknits t1_jbozyyx wrote

They didn't use the empty building time to fix the electrical issues either, which is why they keep claiming they can't upgrade buildings to be climate controlled. And no one will tell you where the money goes. I've gone all the way to the top of SDP for answers.


saintofhate t1_jbpfi14 wrote

It's not like schools were completely empty for months on end and could have been fixed to remove shit like this but also update the crumbling everything. That would have been smart.


Wuz314159 t1_jboe1zh wrote

Do they mean Remediation?


3cardblindbot t1_jboj2yb wrote

No, they’re talking about temporary relocation during remediation. Basically, the School District has a bunch of empty space at Strawberry Mansion HS that’s plan A every time they have to temporarily relocate a school and it takes concerted effort from the school being moved to stop that from happening.


AbsentEmpire t1_jbor5f7 wrote

Which is followed up by parents screaming bloody murder about being sent to Strawberry Mansion because it's in a violent dump and is notoriously dangerous for students to be there.

The school district would be better off using the empty space in South Philly High school rather than continuing to try and justify keeping Strawberry Mansion open.


NoWarButMyWar t1_jbtmwda wrote

What’s so bad about strawberry mansion high? The school itself, not the neighborhood.