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justanawkwardguy t1_je0104a wrote

Suburban schools also don't have to provide as much to their students because they come from better backgrounds, so your point is moot


doc89 t1_je01wwq wrote

The point I was trying to make is that it is simply false to pretend like the problem is "federal policies siphoned away money to suburban schools" when the schools are in fact getting more money than suburban schools.

If you think that the schools in the city need/deserve more money than suburban schools, that's a fine argument to make/have, but I'm so tired of hearing about this fantasy of the schools being "underfunded".


realityhofosho t1_je11jy2 wrote

I would love to know what suburban school are providing that the city's are not. Not being snarky, just literally have no idea.


justanawkwardguy t1_je12ed8 wrote

I’m saying the opposite of that, city schools provide a lot of services that suburban don’t. More city school students need help with food and technology, issues that suburban schools don’t typically tackle


chciKaspp t1_je2dvbp wrote

Nurses, librarians, therapists, teachers aides, special education teachers for starters.