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burrata-academy t1_jegyrv2 wrote

Yes. And you can criticize that case. You have.

But this is actually a different incident with different people and different characteristics. Kneejerk reactions based on unrelated incidents are stupid and counterproductive. They also lessen your credibility on the other stuff that actually warrants critique.

You're in the burbs right? Why did you let yourself get the Krasner brain disease when you don't even live here? Such a waste.


JBizznass t1_jeh1fpk wrote

Fyi: I moved to the burbs after almost a decade in the city. The final straw what having a bomb go off and shake my whole house in the middle of the night during the riots. Also right before lock down I got jumped on the el for no reason from which I still have unhealed injuries. So please just keep your self righteousness to yourself.

Also here’s another great example of violent felons not ‘getting decades upstate’ after pleading guilting to horrendous crimes:

My pessimistic sentiment is based in reality. Really wish I could live in your delusion though. Probably more pleasant to be that far out of reality.
