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t1_jdf3qru wrote

For people wondering why it was even like this in the first place, I think its because of the emphasis that Temple places on engaging with and being part of the surrounding community. That's my best guess based on their usual messaging, at least.


t1_jdfv1yv wrote

I guess the community doesn’t give AF based on this then, no?


t1_jdh5om8 wrote

The community will never agree with Temple, no matter what the university does.

When the on-campus stadium was still being debated, do you think the community differentiated between the students for vs against it? No, if you’re a student at temple you’re part of the problem for the community regardless of how you feel


t1_jdiauel wrote

back in the day on TU's campus citibank used to give out free shirts that said "college" on the front paying homage to the movie animal house.

I was walking back to my home on the fringe of campus, and a local resident screamed at me from her stoop "YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME BECUASE YOU GO TO COLLEGE, WEARING THAT SHIRT THINKING YOU THE SHIT?"

The reality is she hated everything that school brought to the neighborhood, while I just didn't want to do laundry so I got the shirt


t1_jdjd95s wrote

>if you’re a student at temple you’re part of the problem for the community regardless of how you feel

what a lovely community where educational systems are resented and met with violence!


t1_jdhzr87 wrote

When I went to temple, our RD decided to host a haunted house in our dorm for the community kids. So we all decorated our halls and hid. I got a big bowl of candy to put at the end of our hall for them….that lasted two groups coming through. The bowl was gone, a kid broke into one of the rooms and was rifling through my neighbors stuff, another kid was spraying axe body spray (that he took) into our faces and my friend Yesha was groped pretty badly by an 11 year old. We ended up locking our hallway door and wouldn’t let anyone else in after TWO groups. It honestly just made me sad. We were all really excited to do it.


t1_jdi1fg9 wrote

This is the downstairs of morgan hall on broad. Its full of normal fast food chains. The dorm food courts the floor above, so i think thats why the first floor was treated as open


t1_jdhdfsj wrote

I think it’s simply about money. I’d always see crowds of teenagers coming in after school to buy food.