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mynameisntjeffrey t1_jdnrje6 wrote

You’re equating drag queens to porn stars and then getting annoyed when people call you out on it? Just don’t make wildly exaggerated comments if you don’t want people to tell you how ridiculous your wildly exaggerated comments are.

If the basis of your argument relies on you wildly exaggerating what you’re arguing about to make your point then your point is wrong.


BigShawn424 t1_jdnsftz wrote

You can call someone out without insulting them


mynameisntjeffrey t1_jdntxj5 wrote

You do realize that equating drag to porn is incredibly insulting right? It’s not just you getting offended.

But that’s besides the point. I’m honestly curious how you compare drag to porn. Cheerleaders dress insanely provocatively in their performances. Are they pornstars too? Should we ban children from sporting events? I don’t think we should, but I also don’t think the government should ban drag either. What’s your take?


sugr_magnolia t1_jdo33tq wrote

If you felt insulted by any comments, you should have reported them.

You are correct in saying that someone should be able to respond without adding insults into the mix. I haven't seen anything that crosses that line* but - again - feel free to report.

*Edit: that hasn't already been removed.