Submitted by t3_yfzi41 in philadelphia

Not sure if this an odd request.

With recent chillier weather, we seem to be losing a war with mice in our new place. We've done all kinds of traps and are working on closing points of entry from the outside. I don't really want to do all the poison.

Is there any way to exchange cat sitting or fostering for a cat that would find and catch these guys? I love kitties and would have one if my partner were not slightly allergic.

Any ideas?



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t1_iu5zu7n wrote

I have the perfect purrfect answer for you!


t1_iu732o6 wrote

Wish my lazy, chonky, freeloading cats would get a job! 😂


t1_iu7ndsq wrote

> are an easy and environmentally-friendly alternative to traps and poison for your warehouse, barn, or stable.


t1_iu9kks8 wrote

This is not for residential homes. OP needs to find and block up entryways into the home and then kill or relocate the mice (depending on species). It isn’t possible to do that in barns and warehouses, hence why having cats is appropriate


t1_iu74rvx wrote

I must have locked one in the bathroom with me when I went to take a poop the other day and it must’ve smelled terrible because he ran head first into a trap with no bait in it.


t1_iu64gxp wrote

I have a cute little bitchass dog that doesn't do shit about mice


t1_iu71ekl wrote

Green Street Rescue (Le Cat Cafe) is always looking for people to foster cats


t1_iu70o5k wrote

Victor quick set mousetraps. They were $4 for a 2 pk at Wegmans. Plastic clothespin like mechanism. Bait with peanut butter. (They liked the store brand chunky lol) You don't have to touch the dead mouse, either! I've probably killed about 15 this way, between last year and now.


t1_iu79bep wrote

Yeah, they're cheap enough that you can place each one in a paper bag and then throw the bag out with the dead mouse if it will bother you to touch it.


t1_iu6mpcj wrote

The post right below this one. Someone just found a cat they can't keep.


t1_iu7bjva wrote

Where at? If ya still need them I can spare 2x one is massive and intimidating and the other is pure chaos.


t1_iu7lbiq wrote

Bringing back memories of the time I had an idea to rent out mouse catching cats - after struggling with mice myself. My mice got too smart for the traps and all we had was a lazy dog who acted blind when we tried to get him to notice the mice.


t1_iu99fut wrote

I had the same problem year after year. I live in an old South Philly row home that seems like it was abandoned for a few years prior to my renting it, so literally mouse holes in every single room.

I finally had enough. Last year i Got 20+ white plastic traps from home Depot. Bunch of bags of steel wool and made a weekend out of mouse proofing my house. Pulled all the furniture from all the walls and went around every single floorboard filling holes with steel wool.

Don't forget about behind sinks and gas pipes behind stoves and whatnot. Steel wool around all of them.

Then I laid traps EVERYWHERE. Multiple snap traps along each wall in every room. Seriously all over.

It took about a week, and I think I got like 6 mice in just a few days. Remember to toss the old bait (peanut butter) and put some fresh stuff in each week, they won't go for old bait.

It worked. I haven't seen or heard a single mouse since last year.

Yeah it's a huge pain in the ass to do, and then maintain the bait, but it's so worth it. Mice skeeve me out. And I don't have to bother in the warmer months, pretty much just fall-winter.

Traps DO work. So does steel wool. You just have to go scorched earth on those little buggers if you want success.

Oh and watch your toes walking around at night! Traps EVERYWHERE hahaha.


t1_iu9jyaf wrote

This is it OP ^^

This may sound annoying but it’s really only a day of work and is a better longterm solution.


t1_iu7hfws wrote

You could buy some of those plug-in rodent repeller sound things...the sound is too high for us to hear but it repels mice. There's an app too


t1_iu89hwh wrote

is there a single one of those things that actually works?


t1_iu8r3fj wrote

I used the app for a long time and I swear it worked. But I just switched to the plug-in ones and I don't know if they are at 20 kHz like the app jury is still out.


t1_iu97p6z wrote

Sticky traps with slim Jim pieces and or peanut butter always works for me. I usually catch 1 within a couple hours.


t1_iu9jj0x wrote

Absolutely unnecessary torture. Decent snap traps work just as well and kill quickly. I really hope you kill then before you throw them in the trash.

Also if they’re put outside they catch other unintended targets too like anoles, torturing and killing them if you don’t painstakingly gently remove them with oil


t1_iu9k7xd wrote

Have you tried this method?

I’m guessing they are house mice, which means they’ll need to be euthanized after they’re caught(and i would instead go for svedishbotski’s recommendation). But if for some reasons they are some kind of field/woods mouse species, you could use this to catch and release in a more rural area