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Ultimating_is_fun t1_itxfm6i wrote

I mean, broad enforcement just because the law exists is silly. There are some stupid fucking laws out there that shouldn't be enforced.

It's the why behind the lack of enforcement that bothers me. Don't enforce something important because offenders are disproportionately poor (i.e. black)? Nah, that's not good, usually there's victim(s) for every offense. When all you look at is the color of the skin of the offender you're ignoring the rights to not be victimized.

Even for something as simple as littering. If poor people are more likely to litter, that doesn't change the fact that the rest of us deserve to be able to live in a clean environment. The color of the person littering is completely irrelevant to the people in the neighborhood (again regardless of color), we just want it to stop. You can say the same for pretty much every nuisance in the city.