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lanternfly_carcass t1_isopdr0 wrote

Man city are the cowboys of the EPL.


porkchameleon t1_isp5gvq wrote

I'd say ManU in the same era, as people were bandwagonning on their success, but ManC nowadays are even worse, given what they owe quite a bit of their success to (financial fair play who?)


Rhasky t1_isplszb wrote

Who’d be the Eagles of the EPL?


TheBaconThief t1_ispolps wrote

This was probably back in 2018, but when I asked some Brit friends in NY, they said Liverpool.

Long standing loyal fanbase and major club in a city with a mix of working and middle class fans. Had some down years, but recently regained success.

Seems to fit well enough with the description with me. But I told them I was going to be Crystal Palace fan since it sounded the most like a strip club.


Diltron24 t1_ispwjsx wrote

I picked Leicester City to support for a bit because they had a very underdog gritty feel to them. I can’t pick any of the big 6 to represent the Eagles, but Liverpool probably fit the most of those teams


pcomet235 t1_isqfpom wrote

Liverpool are the second winningest club in English soccer. 20-19.


CitiBankLights t1_isr3vkb wrote

Na dude, City actually win stuff. Cowboys are more like Spurs or Man U.