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Level-Adventurous t1_itpucfk wrote

Valid question. We can takeaway from her audit of the police department that she will probably have an uphill battle working with them.


DavidLieberMintz t1_itq9kuk wrote

I think the corrupt FOP will have a hard time working with her. I'm sure she'll want to work with the police so long as they follow the law. I know, it's a lot to ask these days.


Level-Adventurous t1_ittabns wrote

Yeah she probably will want to work with them. Honestly I think that’s the problem. Whoever wins the mayoral race needs to figure out how to remove them and/or break the union. That’s the only solution.


Aromat_Junkie t1_itqaxdp wrote

The problem is not there's an uphill battle, it's that we have generals who are to cowardly to even fight the battles. I think Rebecca should come out guns blazing.


Level-Adventurous t1_itta4xn wrote

What? I mean Sure, I agree that she should. Probably everybody does. But the uphill battle is still there. I guess you’re saying it’s baby steps.