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passing-stranger t1_iue0pmj wrote

Always on Halloween but it starts earlier than you think it will! Or at least earlier than I'm ready every year. It's not a wait until the sun goes down situation in our neighborhood but I also don't live in the safest area in general so idk if that's a factor. Crossing my fingers for a safe and fun Halloween! It's my favorite holiday.

Now to figure out how this procrastinator is gonna find & afford enough treats for the kiddos. I usually have goodie bags made up but I'm slacking this year.

And not that anyone asked but for the first time this year my front porch pumpkins were grown right in the backyard. I will be attempting to fit that into conversation whenever possible tomorrow ;)


PM_ME_YUR_BIG_SECRET t1_iufktox wrote

For what is worth, when we grew up (assuming you're older than ~25, daylight savings time used to end before Halloween so it would get dark at 5ish and that's when a lot of trick or treating started. In 2007 it got pushed back to the first week in November so now the sun doesn't set until 6 on Halloween, and a lot of people start before then.

Also: That's really cool that you grew your own pumpkins!!


passing-stranger t1_iui2tpm wrote

Oh, that is interesting. I felt like daylight savings was later than I remembered but I guess I missed the memo in 2007.