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PollenThighs t1_ivza00t wrote

There's literally about 10+ golf courses within a ten mile radius of this park. The loss of trees, most of them still felled across the course that hasn't been touched otherwise, is a bummer.


flyingpanda5693 t1_iw0661l wrote

Most, if not all of those course, are likely private courses, especially in the Main Line area. Cobbs will provide an affordable course, similar to Walnut Lane in Roxborough, for local residents to utilize.


squigglyted t1_iw5t9i7 wrote

Yes! Most of the golf clubs in the area are all privately owned. Often times I'll drive over to Jersey just to play on a course that doesn't require a membership.


0716718227 OP t1_iw0vmr8 wrote

That's a good point, if you are going to dedicate public space to one sport it should be financially accessible to the surrounding area.


0716718227 OP t1_ivzaba5 wrote

I saw that they’re getting them to pay for additional trees locally which while not 1:1 is at least something.


PollenThighs t1_ivzalr4 wrote

Yeah, I guess it's something, but it'll take decades to even come close to the canopy that once was. The wildlife's already had to move on.


Proper-Code7794 t1_iw1ioo7 wrote

I mean do you feel this guilty about your house because the wildlife used to live there as well


PollenThighs t1_iw2poyv wrote

No, because people need a place to live. I ain't out here in a sprawling mansion. There were better ways kick off restoration of this course while preserving wild habitats.

Initially, the trees were taken down before a plan could be approved, almost as if the developers expected to be granted a deal simply because they started work. It was egregious deforestation before a plan could be finalized. That's the rub.

Too, lot of the oldest growth was along the roads where they wouldn't impact play. I'd like to think you'd want trees to prevent taking out a windshield.

I grew up in the area and have always been around this green space. Even as a functional golf course, it had never looked as barren and lifeless as it does currently. I understand and appreciate wanting to revive this historic course, but I'm wary of developers' intentions. Glad to see a larger environmental/ educational component with the plans listed in this article.