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baldude69 t1_iwv5m4j wrote

Sorry this happened - quick tip to everyone: get a photo of the VIN, usually visible on the dash of the car right by the inspection stickers. Way more foolproof than license plates


Son_of_Anak t1_iwvd653 wrote

The vin was unregistered


AbsentEmpire OP t1_iwvngab wrote

It's unreal how shit and lackadaisical the PPD are about enforcing anything to do with the vehicle code.

It's also crazy that the laws in the books for it are so lenient, driving is not a right, there should be zero tolerance for driving unregistered cars.


Bisexual_Republican t1_iwwa8ny wrote

Better yet, call the police, Lying to an officer provides a stiffer penalty and therefore gives you extra protection. While also doing all that OP said as well. Cover all tracks.


foulrot t1_iwwfc79 wrote

PPD won't dispatch to traffic accidents unless someone is hurt, even then it's a greater than 50% chance they still don't show.


Disarray215 t1_iwxz3p6 wrote

Just had this happen to me. A box truck sideswiped me and totaled my car. I hit a fireplug, luckily it didn’t go off. Maybe they would’ve come if it did. Lol


baldude69 t1_iwwi6b8 wrote

Unfortunately the cops don’t respond to traffic accidents unless they’re really bad