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flamehead2k1 t1_iy7pzm7 wrote

I don't think he should have to sell off his businesses.

There are plenty of conflicts of interest elsewhere. Soda tax is a great example given Johnny Doc's influence and subsequent corruption conviction.


this_shit t1_iy8ed0q wrote

Yeah I mean that's kind of my point. I would love if our politics were about running the city and not various hyperlocal industry groups fighting over the scraps.

Philly's local government hasn't even been captured by growth industries - real estate and construction (two local industries you can't kill) are the main sources of local political power. Groceries are likewise not a growth industry.

Re: Brown, I know other people are corrupt, but it's uncompelling to claim to be a reformer while embracing a baseline level of overt corruption. I think that hurts the case for reform more than even an ideal reformer could advance it.


flamehead2k1 t1_iy8fzew wrote

My point is that you seem more focused on potential corruption by Brown than actual corruption by the people that developed the tax.

Demanding divestment is an unfair expectation and doesn't address the main drivers of corruption in the city, labor connections and council prerogative.