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b-man091 t1_iwsx3uw wrote

I don’t think so. This plane was not on adsbexchange (i checked immediately as it was so loud) while that kc10 was north of the city en route to McGuire. This plane was heading due south.


vi_girl t1_iwsxd8j wrote

it did show up north of the city, I think it's pretty normal for military aircraft to not be 100% accurate on ADS, they have their own system (for example they shut it off entirely once they got out of the city, and the gps froze in one spot)

I could be wrong


golfpro2116 t1_iwsy77h wrote

Looks like there is a bunch flying around. Seems like the only reasonable explanation, but who knows


GetGalvanized t1_iwt17n5 wrote

Don’t think so. It went right over my house in Havertown. It was probably heading ESE