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palerthanrice t1_ixxyhmw wrote

Yeah I think the only real fuck up was not pausing the show. I hate the idea of placing "show vibes" over someone's life.

What's the bigger disappointment? Attending a show that got randomly paused for 2 minutes, or coming home after a great time at a show and learning that someone fucking died a few yards away from me and nobody bothered to help them?


1Surlygirl t1_ixynk9d wrote

100% agree with this, but pausing the show is not that simple. In my experience (concert production, 30 years) EDM events are the most loud and chaotic of them all. Coupled with the high percentage of people using large amounts of dangerous intoxicants, it is a living hell for event staff. Artists don't generally take direction from patrons about anything, much less stopping their show. People are flailing all over the place; that crowd is not exactly a controlled environment. Sober or not, most other EDM show attendees are off in their own worlds, largely unaware of what's going on with other patrons, intractable and noncompliant, often to the point of actively damaging the venue and assaulting other people. By the time security and med staff are alerted and on scene this patron could already be flatlining. It's an extraordinarily dangerous environment. Over 30 years and thousands of shows, the absolute worst events I ever had the pleasure of working were EDM. Hands down.