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ColdJay64 t1_ix1f1y7 wrote

How is an easily-recognizable group allowed to operate for an hour in a small area when very few other people are out on the street? Do we even have a police department?


JBizznass t1_ix1pe3n wrote

The problems with the 26th district in Fishtown have existed way before the ‘soft strike’, covid, and Krasner and at its core is the result of how officers are assigned within districts. The 26th has 3 police service area (PSAs). Officers are assigned to PSAs based on the level of crime in each PSA. The PSA of the 26th that houses Fishtown has so much less crime than the other PSAs farther into Kensington that it means that Fishtown proper usually has zero officers assigned to it at most times. They also often get pulled into the 24th and 25th (which are home to the badlands and other bad parts of Kensington)as back up for serious incidents further reducing numbers in Fishtown. It’s important to note that this was even before the officer shortage and criminals absolutely know that they can go to Fishtown and get nicer shit with less risk of being caught (or shot by their victim) and take advantage of the police absence to commit crime with even greater impunity.


LurkersWillLurk t1_ix1t8cv wrote

Why is police staffing such of a shit show? Honest question. I mean I can’t believe that a PSA has zero officers assigned to it but it’s true and here we are.


AgentDaxis t1_ix4njvm wrote

Look no further than the corrupt FOP for your answer.


sparklydude t1_ix9x1vr wrote

The department is short over 600 cops, thats not counting those on sick or injured leave too. Why would anyone want to be a cop in the city when you could work in the suburbs for better pay, less workload, and a more receptive population?


mustang__1 t1_ix6alux wrote

If there weren't so many on sick leave there'd be more staffing....


ColdJay64 t1_ix3mbsf wrote

Great insight, thanks! From my uninformed perspective, it seems like PPD is atrocious at allocating their resources.


ratmoustache t1_ix1kf5y wrote

Yeah they’re just on a “soft strike” since they were told they can’t murder with impunity.


JBizznass t1_ix1pknr wrote

The problem with police staffing in Fishtown long predates any ‘soft strike’, covid, or Krasner. See my reply above for more details.


respondstostupidity t1_ix2tmxb wrote

And even before that they sucked at their job when they were in the neighborhood. Got off the 43 once, made it to the median on Delaware Ave. before the light turned yellow, cop whips a U-turn around the now extended overpass and tells me he could arrest me for that. For what? For standing on the median waiting for the light to turn green. Worst precinct in the city.


Specialist-Delay4049 t1_ix1s0uk wrote

“Parents wake up and find out where your kids are."



DJRoombasRoomba t1_ix24t1u wrote

They don't care where their kids are.


[deleted] t1_ix3gav7 wrote



BigxMac t1_ix5xcw9 wrote

It’s not always that they don’t care. Hard to keep track of everything when you’re working 3 jobs to put a roof over your heads


ratmoustache t1_ix1lfff wrote

>She said she fears for the assailants too. “They're going to run into somebody with a license to carry and they're going to be dead.”

-[Unidentified Neighbor] who might, unironically, be the smartest person in the city.

Stop voting away gun rights for law-abiding citizens. Kids like this operate with impunity knowing there’s good chance they’re running up on a soft target. Arm yourselves, how many times do the police have to show & prove their laziness & impotence?

Edit: add word


ReturnedFromExile t1_ix2gqoa wrote

when and where have gun rights been restricted here?


Hoppy-Beers t1_ix3d2bq wrote

Exactly, this unfounded rhetoric accounts for like 25% of the Republican votes though. I blame the NRA.

We saw what happens when a good guy with a gun encounters one of these criminals the other week on the Broad Street line. Violence and death. Getting your car, cell phone, wallet stolen isn’t worth dying over.


AnyOldNameNotTaken t1_ix3rbmi wrote

Literally two month ago Kenney put in place an unconstitutional ban on firearms in parks.

It was eventually struck down by courts but only after GOA sued the city for it. Kenney has said he thinks people need to give up their guns and just rely on our inept police department. Pathetic and tyrannical.


mustang__1 t1_ix6awzo wrote

Successfully? Not as often as threatened. I believe Philly has a gun registry and some more hoops to jump through for ccw than PA requires but I'm not sure


CT_Real t1_ix6qdw9 wrote

Stop making up a fictional oppression


Disarray215 t1_ix2sv36 wrote

Until a group like that approaches you and one of them takes the gun out of your hand. Takes it from you while the others hold you and beat you up. Now they have a gun, and you are the one who gave it to them. Not much use to you now, and they go off and use it for more crimes.


Pochoo8 t1_ix2x1ot wrote

Thank god modern day firearms aren’t muskets and it takes a matter of seconds to pull out said gun and be ready for what may come


owenhinton98 t1_ix5213p wrote

All of these happened within 3 blocks of my apartment, including one directly on my block and another right around the corner. I moved out of north to get away from this shit, wtf…


amybeth43 t1_ix56nt0 wrote

the cops just sit in their cars in the kcapa parking lot or block the entrance to berks. worthless.


Stevekane42 t1_ix6xjqs wrote

This is getting out of control. And it's always early in the morning


Fourlec t1_ix5qp9q wrote

The kid far right or the picture legit looks he’s 10 years old.