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ColdJay64 t1_j0ws9gh wrote

This awesome, especially the unemployment numbers. Go Philly


JWHISKY707 t1_j0z8esy wrote

This is a complete spin article.

I would suggest reading into it yourself and realize the issues. Its not great.


Its also funny how often they switch from greater area to only philly to find the numbers they are looking for.

Its also funny seeing some of the numbers go against statements they have made over the past year boasting recovery.


Aromat_Junkie t1_j0x5kkt wrote

This is paid corporate style news work, even if it's true > The Center City District (CCD), Central Philadelphia Development Corporation (CPDC) and Center City District Foundation (CCDF) work together to enhance the vitality and competitiveness of Philadelphia's downtown. In 1991, the business leadership organization CPDC created the CCD business improvement district to deliver daily services with the goal of making Center City clean and safe. This helped transform Center City into a vibrant 24-hour downtown, attractive to businesses, residents, students, shoppers and tourists. In addition, the CCD is responsible for the management of Dilworth, Sister Cities, John F. Collins and Cret Parks, four extraordinary public spaces in the heart of Center City. CCDF, the charitable affiliate of the CCD, was launched in 2016 to support the next generation of public space improvements in Center City Philadelphia.
