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BenFranklinBuiltUs t1_j29zme4 wrote

They probably mean that brown people and Asian people are the ones moving in. Some equate bad neighborhood as anything that isn't a white-only neighborhood. My brother-in-law is moving to Denver. We were watching videos on the city. Some guy has a 'bad parts of Denver' youtube video. He sounds like a white guy that has old rap songs in the background and basically just names all the black areas while in some cases doing a 'stereotypical black accent'. The only data he had was some of the areas have a whopping 4% unemployment. Yea, he posted that as a sign that the area was impoverished. So, plenty of people out there claim any black or brown area equals bad neighborhood.


RowdySuperBigGulp t1_j2ahji4 wrote

And it’s funny because the block has been much much more quiet with the Chinese people moving in and the rowdy Irish people moving out. I got along with them but they had a habit of drinking through the night and playing music until the morning.