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mklinger23 OP t1_j1d95kk wrote

Yeah I know. The reasons I wanted to look into it were that It seemed to be moving. So I thought people might have been chasing each other or something. But the main reason is I heard a bunch of screams. Like really scared screams.


K3R3G3 t1_j1d9ysw wrote

Screaming can be unnerving and obviously good to check on. Universal sign of distress. I have also seen adolescent/teen girls in groups shrieking in a distressed manner, but they were just running around acting wild. I'm not a fan of such false alarm screaming. Boy who cried wolf and all that.


mklinger23 OP t1_j1dabyd wrote

Yeah I've seen that before too. People just screaming for fun. I'm glad it wasn't anything serious. I honestly thought it could have been a drunk driver crashing into shit on broad or something because it didn't quite sound like fireworks and it didn't sound like gunshots either until I heard the screams.