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Scumandvillany t1_j2c1zmw wrote

Not exactly how it works. You'd think so, but only if it goes to trial, and believe it or not, trial can cost 30k. Hell the lead up to trial can cost 30k. I'm familiar with a similar case, but more damage, lawyers racked up 50k in the year of litigation. Parties agreed to settle for 100k. Person took home 50k. If it had gone to trial, would have cost even more, but there's no guarantee a jury would award that much.

Vast majority of these cases are settled.


Smightmite t1_j2c24al wrote

Interesting thank you for clarifying!


Scumandvillany t1_j2c2uzz wrote

The only reason this person walked away with 50k is that he was willing to spend 50k, and had it to spend. It sucks. This is why you gotta get ahead of it at.

Fuckin lawyers. Pretrial motions, motions in limine, motions to dismiss, expert witnesses, depositions, discovery, statements of fact, opposing statements of fact, motions upon motions, it adds up. A civil case right now can take years to get to trial.



usernametakensofme t1_j2cosf2 wrote

Settled to account for these costs. She will come away, if not whole, better off. The Developers insurance will pay but it may take time.