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Defiant-Ad412 t1_j26z91p wrote

Targeting people because of their skin color doesn’t directly target those that need it the most, and excludes those who need it. Vaccines werent widely available at that time, so an efficient manner of distributing that to those on the front lines and at-risk individuals was what was important. Nothing at all to do with race and there are much better ways to address the black community, rather than going around saying they’re the priority. AS could have had a unified message to target those at risk and encourage black people to get vaccinated.

You might mot remember, but there was a time the city didn’t have enough vaccines to vaccinate 68% of the population. So just vaccinating 68% without any consideration for an individuals need makes no sense and comes off extremely discriminatory and racist.

A large issue that was briefly addressed in your article was black peoples distrust of the vaccine. Which today really doesn’t make any sense. The vaccination clinics had white people getting jabbed 10 feet from black people. This isnt the Tuskegee experiments. That should have been a focus of hers, not just handing out vaccines based on skin color. People get too focused on giving statistics, but dont understand the actual issues nor do they look for actual solutions that make sense. Instead of saying “prioritize black people” ask why are they dying the most? Who exactly is it in that community? What are the specific reasons and how do we address that to TARGET THOSE MOST AT RISK? You said it yourself, frontline workers. So focus on those specific groups. Develop a plan for identifying those individuals and move on from there. When you just look at race stats, you miss soooo much of the bigger picture.

The goal of your comment was to derail the topic at hand and the crimes he committed, and turn it into a race issue. Quit making assumptions about everything and assuming your unverified conspiracies are truth. Not everything is about race. The world is filled with corrupt individuals, who are out for THEMSELVES more than their race. Theyre trying to benefit themselves and their family, not some random white person they never met. Thats how the world has evolved to where it is today. Corrupt people finding success being corrupt, and alot of people regardless of race face the consequences.

You’re clearly the type who thinks everything that happens to any black person happens because they’re black. Bringing up corruption by city council and you claim that thats why he received the contract despite most of city council members being black. and despite that this kid isnt even from the city. Who did he have connections with exactly? You have no idea, and are just making more baseless allegations.

And my username was from Reddit. So like your previous assumption, you jump to another assumption on MY selection process and how I selected it.