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ogavs t1_j2iexyl wrote

Looks like comics are up after Wenches. And then string bands.


Rivster79 t1_j2iqwbw wrote

Imagine being new to town and stumbling across this comment


Ng3me t1_j2iypp9 wrote

The Mummers parade could be truly entertaining if it fucking moved at something like a parade pace. It takes hours for anything to happen. And it’s all because these bozos stop for 20 minutes every three blocks to coordinate exactly how they’ll stumble around.


dingosongo t1_j2jldsw wrote

I tried to attend the parade for the first time in forever. I thought it technically started at 9am, so I hung around on Broad for like 1.5 hours around noon. I saw maybe 4 groups go by? Why does it take fucking 20mins for anything to happen? I wish there was some kind of schedule or...anything.

Honestly happy the crowd was all having fun, saw some friends, the whole event felt less "white Italian-pride douchefest" than in the past, so that's great. But I can't see myself going back next year to watch a 6 hour parade where practically nothing happens?


Ng3me t1_j2jmyuf wrote

It’s because the Mummers do it for the Mummers. It’s a self congratulatory organization. They don’t give a fuck about the audience and they’d outlaw crowds entirely if they could.


pookypocky t1_j2jsf3m wrote

Lol I'm sitting here with some wenches right now and they said they got there at like 9 and didn't head out till almost noon.


MyMartianRomance t1_j2jwfr3 wrote

Now I know how the Mummers who had a wedding last night at my job made it to Philly for the parade.

For context: Wedding ended midnight, with an after party till 2, and my job is about an hour outside of Philly. So I was questioning how that was going to be possible, guess it is when you don't have be there till noon.


timbrelyn t1_j2j4pir wrote

Lmao. Did my husband just write this? He isn’t a fan while I enjoy them. I don’t have cable but I do have a Roku. I got the app for the channel showing the parade on my Roku however the parade won’t play on the Ipad, it will only play on the TV. It interrupted the Eagles game and I thought he was going to go ballistic. Lol. Can’t stop giggling.


gigidim t1_j2ilaqe wrote

Thanks was looking for a guide with the specific order if each group too. I believe this whole stream was very last minute. Dawn Stensland and Larry Mendte are awful. I didn't think string bands start until 1 but I will report back


Muppet_Rock OP t1_j2ilig7 wrote

The websites are useless! I keep finding what order the string bands are coming down in, but that's kinda pointless if you can't tell me what time to expect them 🤷🏻‍♀️


ogavs t1_j2img9b wrote

The stream commentary has been painful to listen to. And, yes, trying to find a marching order/schedule online has been a fruitless endeavor.


MyMartianRomance t1_j2jkr6p wrote

That one chick interviewed the teenage captain of one string band and said, "Your dad must have been proud of you to choose you as his successor at such a young age." His dad died suddenly of a heart attack when he was 12, which was how he got named Captain.


ogavs t1_j2jm0wf wrote

Yeah, that got an audible 'oh no' from me while I was watching.


luckygirl721 t1_j2jgzeq wrote

They really are awful. They're making it hard to watch.


PhillyAccount t1_j2idmfl wrote

The wenches appear to be just about done...not sure who is next.


Muppet_Rock OP t1_j2j12ja wrote

String bands coming up in a bit! Whoop!


Brraaap t1_j2idbd1 wrote

I think I saw around 11


Longjumping_Jello846 t1_j2ioagg wrote

It’s on the ME TV channel on comcast


Muppet_Rock OP t1_j2iol38 wrote

I don't have cable tv service unfortunately. I was really bummed when they took it off PHL 17, cuz I have an antenna that picks up 60+ channels including 17, but not MeTv2.


LabLawyer t1_j2ixhvc wrote

If you have an antenna you can pick it up. It's channel 2 for me


Muppet_Rock OP t1_j2ikqur wrote

Thanks guys. I got the app to load on my phone finally. I will keep checking every 30 mins or so to see if they started. I don't have cable. I can't get it to pick up on my antenna or laptop. Phone app seems to be working tho.


nothankyoutwo t1_j2iz4ey wrote

They’ll be on around 1:30p. The last comic club is on now, but not sure how many more they’ve got, so it might be a little after 1:30p but shouldn’t be too delayed.


dizzy_unicorn t1_j2izzpj wrote

130 is suppose to be when the stringbands start


Purrogi t1_j2j186d wrote

String bands on next!


gigidim t1_j2j336g wrote

1sr string band starting at City Hall (1:43)