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Ng3me t1_j5uika4 wrote

Another “responsible gun owner against people asking gun owners to behave responsibly.”

Look these places sell dangerous deadly weapons and they are largely left to do whatever they want. We’ve had huge settlements against pharmaceutical companies and distributors for releasing opioids into our communities. The NRA makes sure no gun sellers face any similar consequences. It’s wild. It is well within reason to scrutinize how guns are stored in these stores.

Also, there are already laws against stealing from gun stores and these people are being investigated and pursued.


nnn62 t1_j5uom5k wrote

Huge settlements against pharmaceutical companies that didn’t even put a dent in their pockets due to how much those scumbags made from pushing those opiates. Settlements don’t do dick, you need stringent regulation.


sakamake t1_j5v4eig wrote

Yup. Even calling them "huge" settlements is just smoke and mirrors. They aren't meant to punish these companies or change the behavior, they're just a way of making sure the government gets a (relatively small) cut.