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mortgagepants t1_j5yso7f wrote

> Here’s how it goes after working with the IRS over a hundred times.. the IRS asks for a simple explanation, an amendment and even offers payment plans. Idk where people get these grand delusions that the IRS are impossible to work with and will smack felonies on you for the smallest things. They’re way more cooperative than the police.

this is exactly my point- people want to punish the fuck out of teens who make mistakes, but their own mistakes are "no big deal". but why are they willing to come down so hard on other people? for what reasons do people think their own mistakes are minor and can be negotiated, but when a child makes a mistake, they deserve to get punished as severely as an adult?

the point i'm making isn't about the IRS- the point i'm making is people feel so comfortable throwing the book at other people, but if someone tries to throw the book back, then we should really be looking at extenuating circumstances, exceptions to the rules, "a simple explanation".


Theachillesheel t1_j5z0x21 wrote

Look man I get your point but it’s still a false equivalence. The IRS is still a federal agency where people are mandated to submit their incomes. Are there people who try to fuck the system here and there? Sure. Are there people who make mistakes? Plenty. Comparing teenage burglary and theft is not equivalent to tax evasion for a couple main reasons you keep glaring over. Filing taxes is mandated and does not put anyone in physical harms way. Teens are not mandated to do shit but go to school. So when a child makes a mistake like you say, are you recognizing that they’re ruining a specific person’s life either physically or mentally? Because the IRS will make you pay your missed taxes.. how will a teenager that sold that car ever be able to payback the full value of that person’s car? Especially if there are things of sentimental value in it. Insurance never replaces full value and now your rates go up for no fucking reason other than because a teenager wanted some fast money without working. So where are their explanations? Can they simply explain to the courts they just made a mistake? Can they undo all of the physical and mental stress put onto the victims with an apology? Nope.

In this thread, you’ve made a point that they’re just teenagers but also throw people under the bus for their choices. You say something along the lines of people having their shitty Kia stolen but you never then look at the person who works low wages and spent years of their life to purchase that car only for a teenager to steal it and sell it off to whole sale purchasers. (Most which are from West Africa, so how can we even punish those illegal buyers? They’re off the radar) I’ve seen multiple people in this thread mention that they get your point of view yet you have not done the same for others. One of these kids can destroy someone’s livelihood but you fail immensely to understand that. This is why policy is so difficult.. because theres people who genuinely get hurt from things like this and can’t recover and then there’s you.. who argue for the teenagers who you never know will even be repeat offenders because they knew they would never be punished for committing crimes. I don’t know if you’ve ever been a victim to a crime like this, but it changes your views once you do experience it.