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User_Name13 t1_j6ofkak wrote

I respect Helen Gym for standing up the city's blatant racism against Asian-Americans.

The city was looking the other way and letting Asian-American students get assaulted left and right. They weren't punishing the assailants either.

Here's another article about it:,and%20outside%20the%20school%20building.


"At South Philadelphia High, known as Southern, they entered a school community where Asian immigrants were harassed, bullied, and assaulted — behavior that school staff tolerated and sometimes abetted. On Dec. 3, 2009, more than two dozen Asian students were brutally attacked inside and outside the school building. Several were treated at hospitals for their injuries. After the attacks, Asian students organized an eight-day student boycott, forcing Philadelphia to confront the anti-Asian bias that permeated the city and its public school system."

This was actual racism.

The city was letting a racial minority group get assaulted regularly by a much larger group, and effectively swept it under the rug.

I will always respect for Helen Gym for standing up against the actual racism of the city of Philadelphia. Every other politician in the city was content to just sit back and let those Asian kids get the shit beat out of them and let the racists get away with it.

Of course the racists did get away with it in the end. None of them were ever rly punished. At least the people in charge of the city were forced to at least acknowledge the city's racism and that wouldn't have happened without Helen Gym.


GooFoYouPal t1_j6ozfx0 wrote

And she’ll abandon that cause instantly because the truth of it conflicts with the current narrative she’s embracing. I don’t know how anyone can still have an ounce of respect for her at all.


HobbyPlodder t1_j6pi168 wrote

I have to give her credit for that, because it's insane to overlook racist behavior like that, but her behavior is a mixed bag wrt Asian-Americans living in Philly:

She supported the ridiculous bill to ban bulletproof glass in stores, despite objections by Councilman Oh about how that would disproportionately impact the safety of (predominantly Asian-American) small business owners.

She also threatened an Asian-American food truck owner with, among other things, abuse of her authority to engage a retaliatory L&I investigation because she didn't like the name of the business.