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aranhalaranja OP t1_j5c4ib7 wrote

I lived in the developing world for several years, where we’d only drink bottled water. Once I went down the mental rabbit hole that it takes to avoid the water entirely (no ice, no coffee or tea or fountain beverages, no pasta or noodles when I’m out, how’d they wash their lettuce, what about brushing my teeth, etc), I had to give up and admit I’d rather drink heavy metals and bacteria than spend this much time worrying. I’m not knocking your choices at all - at this point, we should all be a bit more skeptical of what we consume. From pesticides to hormones to antibiotics, there’s a lot of poison we ingest because it’d take a lot of work not to.


bayoubilly88 t1_j5d7lnn wrote

Not that much work. It’s kind of a “be 90% 100% of the time and not 100% 50% of the time”