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hdhcnsnd t1_j381u0k wrote

Nice, hopefully some traffic calming and better pedestrian infrastructure follows.

Sure, you have the DRT right there to go north/south, but crossing a highway to get to the rest of the city is pretty shit and that crossing is pretty dicey with impatient drivers.


FreakLipsHighC t1_j375aig wrote

There’s spot right around Spring Garden on the bike/running path by the river that STINKS.

Anyway no doubt this will take 15 years to get done, but glad to see it happening


Chimpskibot t1_j37b57t wrote

The cores are rising in the thumbnail pic. What are you talking about lol 😂


Away_Swimming_5757 t1_j37ex5o wrote

Why in the world would you think it take 15 years? The ground is broken, the land is ready and it’s already in progress. Comcast’s tower 1 and 2 combined didn’t take 15 years.


Dryheavemorning t1_j3788kt wrote

>Anyway no doubt this will take 15 years to get done, but glad to see it happening

Maybe if it was towers going up but these are only 6 stories and they already have a grocery store tenant. I bet it'll be done next year at latest.


ColdJay64 OP t1_j37fut9 wrote

Regarding a grocery store tenant speeding things up, they're certainly taking their time on the development with an Aldi at 22nd and Washington. I can't wait until it's done.


CB_700_SC t1_j37e0v9 wrote

I think there are storm water run-offs that connect to the river there. The smell is probably from the stagnant water between the storms. Pretty common and Probabaly won’t go away unless they flush the system somehow.


TreeMac12 t1_j389978 wrote

That’s the famous Cohocksink Creek:

“The Cohocksink and its marshlands divided the District of Kensington from the city of Philadelphia and its Northern Liberties. The first settlers were Swedish, predating the founding of the colony of Pennsylvania.”


CB_700_SC t1_j389iik wrote

I was wondering if its a creek instead of just a storm water runoff. Thanks!